Monday 9 March 2015

Weekly highlights - Lots of rufous tones and redness.

Started the week looking for Foxes.  Found a Stonechat and utterly forgot all about Foxes.  This is normal, especially with a male bird that is occassionally breaking into song.


Stonechat having a sing

Stonechat looking rather splendid

Looked for Foxes on another day, but instead found that the pair of Ringed Plovers had returned to the Patch. They will nest and produce food for the Foxes soon.

Ringed Plover photos just must have a reflection in the eye

Later in the week I found a Fox that was sleeping in the sun.

A Fox, sleeping.

It woke up. And did lots of scratching and stretching.

A Fox looking like it had just been sleeping

A Fox, stretching

A Fox that has been scratching

On Friday, whilst fruitlessly looking for a fox I saw a Black Redstart in the distance.  It was kind enough to come closer before retreating into the distance again!

Thank you very much!

Later on Friday I got pooped on by a murmuration.

Norwich Starling Murmuration

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